About Me


The journey

Hi I'm Jamie, I am an optimist by nature, with a strong sense of community and service to others. Before establishing healthy boundaries, these traits led me to extreme people-pleasing for a lot of my life. As a result, I found myself feeling lost, exhausted, and overwhelmed.

After escaping an emotionally and mentally abusive marriage in 2010, I sought to discover self-worth and greater purpose. I embarked on my journey of self-love and found the courage to reinvent myself, create happiness and step into a future of uncertainty with courageous confidence.

I founded My Peace of Happy, LLC in 2019 to help equip women with the tools they need to better prioritize their own mental health and improve their overall well-being.

I look forward to partnering with you to make an impact in the lives of others!



My Peace of Happy

The driving force behind My Peace of Happy, LLC, is to empower women and teen girls through coaching, consulting, and community-building. My role as a writing coach enables women to embrace mental wellness by owning their narratives and crafting their stories. My own personal journey of self-discovery drives my commitment to helping others, as I aim to ensure every woman feels seen, equipped, and empowered with purpose.

As a community, My Peace of Happy fosters elevation, empowerment and growth. We build relationships and connections that provide uplifting support and accountability amongst like minded women in a space that is safe and non-judgmental.

Our motto, WE GROW BETTER TOGETHER! Tap in and stay connected.

Peace & Happy,


β€œI know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.” – Ecclesiastes 3:12 NIV